International Conference on Green Technology 13

The 13th International Conference on Green Technology (ICGT) was held at the Ijen Suite on 17-18 October 2023. The opening ceremony took place with the following arrangement:

  1. Report by the chairman of the committee (Didik Wahyudi, M.Si)
  2. Opening by the Chancellor of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (Prof. M. Zainudin, M.A)
  3. Do ‘a by Dr. H. Eko Budi Minarno, M.Pd.

The conference event was enlivened by student performances with Banyuwangi dance creations.

After the event opened, the presentation continued with the keynote speaker. By:

  1. Prof. Konifumi Tagawa (Japan)
  2. Prof. Tashifumi Sakaguchi (Japan)
  3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Varit Srilaong (Thailand)
  4. Prof. Dr. Azhar Bin Ariffin (Malaysia)
  5. Dr. Veinardi Suendo, S.Sc., M.Eng. (Indonesian)