Implementation of Internal Quality Audit Activities for the Biology Masters Study Program in 2022/2023 in the Context of Encouraging the Achievement of Superior Accreditation

On Friday, 28 July 2023 – the Biology Masters Study Program is proud to announce that it has successfully completed the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activities carried out by the LPM internal quality auditor team consisting of: Mr. Hafidhun Annas, M.Hum from the Faculty of Humanities, Mr. Ahmad Makki, M.Pd from FTIK, and Dr. Putri Wulan Akbar, M. Ked. Trop. from FKIK. The AMI activity it self was attended by the Head of the Biology Masters Study Program, Prof. Dr. drh. Bayyinatul Muchtaromah, Dr. Eko Budi Minarno, M.Pd as Secretary of the Study Program, as well as the espmi operator team. This AMI activity is an annual activity held by LPM University to evaluate and improve the quality of study programs in order to encourage the achievement of superior accreditation.

The Master of Biology study program has a high commitment to improving the quality of study programs in order to encourage the achievement of superior accreditation. Therefore, this internal quality audit is considered a critical step in ensuring that the academic, research, and community service activities carried out by the study program are on the right track and follow good governance. The results of this internal quality audit provide an in-depth picture of the study program’s performance and help identify areas that require further improvement and development. The Biology Masters Study Program is committed to preparing the necessary follow-up plans to improve the quality of study programs so that they meet the standards of achieving superior accreditation.