Welcome to the Website of the Biology Masters Study Program UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Peace be upon us all.

First of all, let us express our thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala who has given us health and the opportunity to continue learning and developing. We welcome you to the Biology Master's Study Program Website. This website exists as a window of information for the general public, especially for those who have an interest in the development of biological sciences.

The Master of Biology Study Program is committed to continuing to improve the quality of education, research and community service. Here, you will find various information about academic activities, superior research, community service, as well as profiles of lecturers and students who are ready to contribute to the development of science. Apart from that, this website is also designed to facilitate access for students, alumni and prospective students to get the latest information regarding the curriculum, lecture schedule and collaborative programs.

We hope that, through this website, the Master of Biology Study Program can build strong networks with various parties, including academic institutions, government and industry. We hope that this website can be an effective means of communication, support the development of biological sciences, and provide inspiration for all visitors.

Thank you for your visit, and we hope that this website can provide maximum benefits.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Head of the Biology Master's Study Program

Prof. Dr. drh. Bayyinatul Muchtarromah, M.Si

Information and Internal Services
Latest News

Webinar Nasional Program Studi Biologi/ S2

Assalamulaikum wr wb. Mengundang kepada civitas akademika Program Studi Biologi dan umum untuk mengikuti kegiatan webinar Nasional dengan tema “Pro dan Kontra Kehalalan Vaksin Covid-19, Perspektif Islam, Sains dan Ketahanan Negara”. acara tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada: Tanggal : 20 November 2021 Pukul : 09.00 – 12.00 adapun kegiatan tersebut dapat...

International Guest Lecture

Topic: International Guest Lecture “Prof. Dr. Kanokwan Poomputsa (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Thailand)””Time: Oct 6, 2021 08:30 AM Jakarta Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83116051419?pwd=TCtralJEQlFVTzZXUTV6ZnR1YlZLZz09 Meeting ID: 831 1605 1419Passcode: 112349...

Webinar Series Vaccine Research and Development

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Summer School

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Pemaparan Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Rencana Strategis Program Studi Biologi

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Selamat datang Mahasiswa Baru tahun ajaran 2021/2022

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