Lecturer Prof. Dr. Hj. drh. Bayyinatul Muchtaromah, M.Si Head of the Biology Masters Study Program Lecturer in Biomedicine and Animal Reproduction Profil Dr. H. Eko Budi Minarno, M.Pd Secretary of the Biology Master's Study Program Bioethics Lecturer Profil Prof. Dr. Hj. Retno Susilowati, M.Si Biomedicine Lecturer Profil Prof. Dr. Hj. Ulfah Utami, M.Si Lecturer in Microbiology Profil Dr. Dwi Suheriyanto, S.Si., MP. Ecology Lecturer Profil Dr. Evika Sandi Savitri, S.P., M.P. Lecturer in Plant Biotechnology Profil Dr. Kiptiyah, S.Pd., M.Si Lecturer in Reproductive Biology Profil Dr. Hj. Akyunul Jannah, M.Si Lecturer in Molecular Biology Profil Dr. H. Agus Mulyono, M.Kes Lecturer in Biostatistics Profil Dr. Fakhrul Kurniawan, MT. Bioinformatics Lecturer Profil Prof. Dr. Roihatul Muti'ah, M.Kes. Apt. Biopharmaceutical Lecturer Profil Dr. Zainabur Rahmah, M.Si Lecturer in Microbiology Profil Maharani Retna Duhita, M.Sc., Ph.D. Biology Lecturer Profil Dr. Umaiyatus Syarifah, MA Lecturer in Al-Qur'an Studies Profil